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Book CoverGwen’s review of Driven by Eve Kenin
Futuristic romance published 28 Aug 07 by Shomi/Lovespell

Holy icicles, Batman! This futuristic/sci-fi/urban-like romance was a total treat to read! The heroine is a kickass, vulnerable but competent woman named Raina. The hero is an emotionally buttoned-down, kickass but controlled hunk named Wizard. And in this book, they kick ass and take names together, all while falling in love and, naturally, saving a large portion of the world.

When the book opens we find ourselves in the not too distant future of an Earth that has gone thru a few cataclysmic changes in weather and government. Raina Bowen is alone in this post-apocalyptic world, an independent trucker in a world driven by Big Government and even Bigger Business. She has a spine of steel and a moral code she won’t break for anyone, including herself.

Fate and some Machiavellian planning throws her together with Wizard. He’s almost as alone in the world as Raina and is driven by his own internal demons. He’s a hyper-trained assassin who has compartmentalized himself so much, he almost seems a cyborg. We find out he’s just a good looking, slightly odd guy with a non-traditional upbringing. Wizard wants to use Raina to help him catch a really bad guy – a bad guy who also happens to be Raina’s enemy and worst nightmare.

The story unfolds and unfolds and unfolds. You’re never left thinking, “C’mon, get on with it already.” In fact, you almost want it to slow down a bit to let us see more Raina & Wizard action. But, somehow, Kenin finds a balance between emotional development, character development, and plot development, all while telling a rockin’ good tale.

If you’re an urban romance fan, an action romance fan, or a sci-fi romance fan, you’ll LOVE this book. Even if you’re not sure if those are the genres for you, I still recommend this book. It’s some hellagood storytelling. Two weeks ago, if you had told me I’d like a book about “truckers” this much, I’d have laughed and said no way. If I had kept that mindset, I’d have missed one of the better books I’ve read this year.

Grade: A

Here’s the book blurb:

Raina Bowen knows she can handle herself just fine against anything the harsh Northern Waste throws at her. Until it throws her an enigmatic stranger called Wizard. First, she has to haul him out of a brawl he can’t hope to win. And next, her libido is shooting into overdrive at the feel of his hard body pressed against hers on the back of her snowscooter. But there’s something not quite right about this guy. Before she can strip bare Wizard’s secrets, they’re lured into a race for their lives, battling rival truckers, ice pirates…and a merciless maniac with a very personal vendetta.

Read an excerpt (it’s the kick-butt first chapter – it will leave you breathless).

Next up for this author:
Book Cover 1 Oct 07