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lawbooks.jpgIn continuing with a little theme here, that is about heroes, we have discussion question number two. From what we call our heroes down a different path. There are, of course, different heroes that speak in different ways to everyone. Authors write them different ways and thus give a wide variety of rakes, rogues, etc. But . . .

. . .what about those contemporary heroes? Can they be compared to a historical hero? It’s one thing to have an alpha macho male who hacks off heads in the medieval era, but could a contemporary hero get away with that?

Book CoverHow can one really compare Hardy Cates and Nick Gentry (or how about St. Vincent)? Does one expect some modern aspects of a historical hero? Does one instead expect historical male characteristics in a contemporary hero to make him a different sort of hero?

What are things that set apart a historical hero from a contemporary hero? Are there things that both might have in common that make them a hero in the first place?

Enquiring minds want to know . . .