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Book CoverGwen’s review of Kiss of Midnight (Midnight Breed, Book 1) by Lara Adrian
Paranormal romance published by Dell 1 May 07

This is the first of four books in Lara’s Midnight Breed series, with potentially more to come.  It’s based on a hidden vampire community (the Breed), vampire warriors (the Order) and their mates (Breedmates).  This first book in the series describes the escalating fight between the Order and Rogues (blood-obsessed vamps).  This entry introduces to their leader, Lucan, and his Breedmate, Gabrielle.  The book has drama, romance, sex, betrayal, and lots and lots of blood.

Sound familiar?  It should.  It combines several elements used by other authors.  Some elements are done better elsewhere, but that didn’t detract from the story for me.  Much.  I was able to suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy the story.  And there are enough unique elements to keep this book from being a wannabe (hint: betrayal at the closest levels).

I didn’t hate this book.  It starts quite strong.  The first couple of chapters were gripping and very intense.  The drama falls off after that, but picks up again toward the end.  For a while in the middle I felt like it was running in place.  I wanted the plot to move forward more quickly, though I didn’t skim thru paragraphs like I do when I get bored with a book.  We eventually get there in the end – the VERY end, but we still arrive (if you read it, you’ll see what I mean)

It will be interesting to see how this author differentiates this series from other vampire warrior books.  I’m glad to say it has its own promise.

faye.jpgGrade: B-

Here’s the book blurb:


     He watches her from across the crowded dance club, a sensual black-haired stranger who stirs Gabrielle’s deepest fantasies. But nothing about this night–or this man–is what it seems. For when Gabrielle witnesses a murder outside the club, reality shifts into something dark and deadly. In that shattering instant she is thrust into a realm she never knew existed–a realm where vampires stalk the shadows and a blood war is set to ignite.

Lucan Thorne despises the violence carried out by his lawless brethren. A vampire himself, Lucan is a Breed warrior, sworn to protect his kind–and the unwitting humans existing alongside them–from the mounting threat of the Rogues. Lucan cannot risk binding himself to a mortal woman, but when Gabrielle is targeted by his enemies, he has no choice but to bring her into the dark underworld he commands.

Here, in the arms of the Breed’s formidable leader, Gabrielle will confront an extraordinary destiny of danger, seduction, and the darkest pleasures of all . . . .

Read an excerpt.