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Book CoverSandy M’s review of Collision Point (Brute Force, Book 1) by Lora Leigh
Contemporary Romantic Suspense published by St. Martin’s Press 27 Feb 18

There was a time I loved everything Lora Leigh wrote. Now I second guess both me and her. Is it me whose tastes have changed over the years? Or is it the author who is perhaps running out of ideas or any number of issues to keep a reader more interested? Maybe a combination of the two? Whatever it is, only certain aspects in her last several books have appealed to me.

This time around it’s the suspense in the story that I like the most. Amara and Riordan have a past, are lovers when she’s kidnapped. After her rescue she doesn’t remember the last year of her life. Thus, Riordan, former elite ops and undercover for Amara’s father, himself has recovered from injuries sustained during the rescue, but he has to start from the beginning to figure out why she was taken and by whom.

Amara does feel the pull between them, but she has hesitation when it comes to Riordan. Which is fine and logical, but it goes on much too long for me. Riordon is the typical alpha hero, and I do like him. He knows what he wants and goes after it, unlike Amara. I’m not totally sure why I never really warmed up to her. I know she’s been through hell and wants her memories to return, which should allow me to allow her some wishy-washy-ness, but that never happens.

Of course, because it’s a Lora Leigh book, the sex scenes are frequent. Again, a bit too much, it seems, than ever before. Especially because I don’t feel a true connection between Riordan and Amara. Again, I’m going to blame that on Amara – of course! – because of her running hot and cold when it comes to getting into Riordan’s bed. Sorry, but once she discovers they were lovers before, I wanted to see some trust from her.

I do have to say I like Amara’s father a little, despite his life of crime. Typical father when it comes to his daughter and her love life. But he does have secrets, so you’re left to wonder how involved he is in the whole scheme of things, which as a crime lord makes the odds pretty darned good. The end resolution is a little rushed, but the action and suspense up until then is the best part of the book. I wanted more of a connection between Riordan and Amara, but it wasn’t to be this time around. I’m leaning toward not continuing with the series, only because I prefer more of an emotional story to go with my sex scenes, both of which Lora Leigh used to combine quite successfully in the past.

sandym-iconGrade: C


Riordan Malone is more than a bodyguard. As an Elite Ops agent, he’s ripped, raged, and ready to rumble—a true warrior, inside and out. But no war zone can compare to the battle in Rory’s heart when he lays eyes on the only woman he’s ever loved—and thought he had lost forever. . .

As the daughter of a crime lord, Amara Resnova has endured the cruelty of her father’s enemies—and has tried to escape that world ever since. Now, she must reach out to the one man who saved her life, even if she’s never forgiven him for breaking her heart. But Amara is tougher today than she was then. She’s also more desirable to Rory—and dangerous to love. Can he protect her from her father’s enemies without surrendering to his own passions…or will love seal their fate for good?

No excerpt available.

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