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RecklessLauraJ’s review of Reckless (Red Hot Summer) by Maya Banks.
Contemporary Erotic Romance short story eBook released by Samhain Publishing 3 Jun 08

Maya Banks is a new author to me, but one I have wanted to try for some time. So when this book became available, I thought it would be a good one to try. Short stories to me are a great way to see if you are going to like an author and their writing without investing a lot of time and money.

I’ll start off by saying that I like Ms. Banks writing style. She has a wonderful voice and the story itself flowed easily, but the characters in this story left me feeling flat and for me to like a book I have to like the characters.

Nikki annoyed me as a heroine. I wanted to like her motivation for some of her actions (like wanting the first time to be with the guy she loves) but the way she goes about it was immature. The hero, J.T. was marginally better, but still lacked some characteristics I like in my heroes. Even though J.T. is several years older than Nikki he seemed immature as well. I want my hero and heroine to show some intelligence (even though occasionally they screw up and do something stupid) and I really didn’t see much from either.

Since this was my first experience with Ms. Banks books and even though I wasn’t crazy about this book I’m going to try some of her other books. I don’t like to judge an author on one book along (especially since I’m reading a short story as a opposed to a category or novel length where the author has more time to develop the characters. Those who like her books will probably enjoy this one. The sex scenes were hot (even though, to me Nikki seemed a little to knowledgeable to be a virgin).

LauraJGrade: D+


He can run, but he can’t hide.

Sheriff J.T. Summers promised to keep an eye on his best friend’s little sister. What could possibly go wrong? A lot. “Little” Nikki Durant isn’t so little anymore. She’s sex on a stick, and she’s pointed right at him.

Nikki has always loved J.T., and she’s through waiting for him to come around. The soaring summer temperature is nothing compared to the heat generated when she sets fire to his senses. With a take-no-prisoners attitude, she’s out to get her man. But no matter how many ways she offers it, J.T.’s not buying.

What’s it going to take to get him to realize her love for him isn’t a passing fling? Get herself arrested? Hmm…

Read an excerpt.