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Sleeping with Ward CleaverLauraD review of Sleeping with Ward Cleaver by Jenny Gardiner
Contemporary Romance released 01 Feb 08 from Dorchester

Sleeping with Ward Cleaver” won the American Title-III Award. I’m really sure what that is, but hey, a win’s a win. The cover is a pink-haired cartoon girl on a bed, it’s labeled contemporary romance, and the words fun and sassy are also on the cover. Do not believe any of this, it’s all there to mislead you.

Claire Doolittle met and married Jack, the man of her dreams. But now, the thrill is gone. Jack has turned into Ward Cleaver, for Claire the epitome of everything boring and stale. They don’t talk, he doesn’t appreciate her, he talks down to her; and instead of the hot sex they used to have, they now have sex-on-Sunday-night. Jack has the great job, while Claire raises the 5(!) kids, and takes care of the house.

Things are about to change. Just as she finds out that Jack’s sexy new (and young) co-worker is going on a trip out of town with him-a trip Claire is definitely not welcome on-she gets an email from an old boyfriend. Todd broke up with Claire and broke her heart, and now he wants to meet her in Miami so that when she finally confronts Jack, Todd can be the one to hold her hand.

I would have enjoyed “Sleeping with Ward Cleaver” quite a bit more had I found any of the characters even a little bit likable. Sadly, I lost count of how many times I muttered “get a therapist” as Claire cried poor pitiful me. Jack teeters on a fine line between jerk executive and irredeemable asswipe. Then there is Todd, the one that got away. Todd is married to his second wife, who he is planning on leaving because she wants kids. He has a child from his first marriage, who he never sees. Despite being married, he is actively pursuing Claire. His emails to Claire actively encourage her to spy on her husband. Todd is a tool.

The story itself moves back and forth between present day, and Claire reminiscing about how she and Jack met and times when they were happier. Todd gets back in touch with Claire via email; I’ve got to say that Todd’s emails to Claire are the least authentic male voice I’ve read in a while.

An upper middle class couple with 5 kids, working an unhappy marriage-that’s a hard subject for a comic romance. Props to Jenny Gardiner for trying. I’m sure there are plenty of readers who will feel that she succeeded; I’m just not one of them.

laurad_opt1.jpgGrade: D


Sleeping with Ward Cleaver is the funny yet poignant story of a woman at a crossroads in life, who years earlier married a man who swept her off her feet, but now finds that her Mr. Right has evolved into Mr. Always Right, and the only sweeping going on in her life involves a broom and a dustpan. As her dreams collide with reality and the one that got away shows up trying to worm his way back into her heart, she must decide if her once charmed marriage is salvageable, and if so, how she’s going to go about saving it.