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bang_head.gifThis is a post that I very oddly started forever ago when an author annoyed me by basically saying you shouldn’t review books you know you won’t like. That is such a head meet desk comment to me. How do you know you will like it or not and do you seriously write off a genre cuz you are hard to please? Does your opinion suddenly NOT count?

I bore easlily and got sidetracked. Oh and the author in question I still adore and am VERY much looking forward to reading her next book which I strongly think is going to fucking rock socks. So why did I dust this off and finish it up? I know it is wild, you can not agree and still the world will spin on axis.

I am gonna tell you a secret. I didn’t like Sleeping with Ward Clever. NO REALLY. I know… you and you and you and you loved it yes? Awesome! Me not so much. And I had a bitch of a time trying to find someone to review it. The first person I finally just forced it on (thinking she would love it) begged to not have to finish it. I am evol but not THAT evol. The second reader who took it on was Laura D – this is her story. ::shrug:: Sometimes I get it wrong. Sometimes books I think people will love they don’t or books I think they will hate they adore.

YES I CAN BE WRONG. Not often mind you… but you know 🙂

oddly enough I STILL don’t like the book and find the author annoying… BUT I do love Dorchester and think the editor rocks socks so do not take this as a omg do not read Dorchester. I could careless if you read the author,  I think you should try it and for fuck sakes REVIEW it. NO MATTER WHAT cuz 3 bad reviews? period? Smells like apathy to me

so with out farther ado…

There is No Crying in Reviewing
crying.jpgI have to admit every time I read, Loyalty in Reading, I think of the line: There’s no crying in baseball. Who knows why…That so should be a button – There’s No Crying in ReviewingThe fact is or maybe the word FACT is too strong… In my opinion very few reviewers, readers, bloggers or even the ever dreaded romanceland blogging reader reviewers – open a book WANTING to hate it.

When was the last time you sat down with a book and thought gleefully “I am so going to enjoy the next three or four hours hating these characters”. Or “this author sucks rocks, I think I will kill an evening reading her tripe, so I can then kill another hour or two writing up a review”.

Every book I open, I do so wanting to love it. I want it to be THAT book that I stop and tell strangers about in bookstores. I also open the book prepared to honestly give my opinion of the book, no matter if it is for a review, a contest, a test read or just an author asking for a quick opinion.

Is that odd? I just assume all readers do that otherwise why bother reading?

evolcats.jpgAt the same time I am not one to blow sunshine up anyone’s arse. There are other blogs that stick to a only happy happy, joy joy view of books. This isn’t one of them. There are other blogs you can pay to be told what you want to hear. This isn’t one of them.

And that is ok, it is a big playground and we can all find a sandbox we like. But I do wonder how many authors read a review thinking, well there was no way she was going to like my book anyway or well she just doesn’t like me. And why they think such a thing, do authors often read books wanting to hate the competition so they expect the same of everyone else?

enter-the-contest.jpgThere are a few reason I read a book but they all must first fall under the first rule of reading for sybil.

I wanted to read the book. I know that sounds like very simple logic but it is true: could be it is apart of a series I love, maybe the summary interested me, it could be the first book in a new subgenre, maybe the excerpt caught my eye, the author is a favorite of mine and I have been interested in books simply because the editor has worked on many a favorite.

The next reason I read a book is something I decide before I open it and that goes back to the blog.syb.jpg

1.  Is this a book I am considering for a guest day? If it is and I find myself hating the book beyond reason or even just bored there is a good chance I won’t finish the book. Guest author days are only set up for books I would recommend and I am happy to read books that are recommended for guest days they have to fall under the first rule of reading for sybil.

2.  Is this a book for review? If it is, I finish it. Period. There was a short period of time where I looked at publishers as a ‘we really need to get x amount done this month’ or this is a book we really should cover and if someone else couldn’t do it, my first thought was I would. Instead I decided on guest reviewers. I suppose there is the fear of if everyone wanted to read the books they will get nothing but good reviews, as I haven’t found that to be an issue I stopped worrying about it.

3.  Is the ever popular impulse buy. This could end up reviewed. It could end up a guest day or a guest post. It could also end up not finished. The main point is I open the book WANTING to love it. And a series I am following I want to love that much more. I think it is an issue of expectation more than it is an issue of loyalty, maybe even reader attachment. And I don’t know if authors can really bitch about reader attachment. Isn’t that the reason our cup runneth over with series books and there are few single titles to be found?

A writer can create any world they want but it if isn’t a marketable one, they will be writing for a small group of people. At the same time, no one wants a series created ‘for the market’, which is such a catch 22. The author has to balance creativity, originality and voice with what readers will accept, purchase and lust after. Guess what THAT means… writing is hard work. For serious. Go Team You!

Personally I never would have read Sookie Stackhouse if I had known of the authors love of flexing her godlyness over her world by killing off characters. If I had known going in I would have been happy to skip the series, would have saved time and money. And woot for me. But there are at least two or three other reviewers JUST on this blog who lurve the series. Still to this day, YAY for them. And for me that I don’t have to read it anymore. We are both right. And I so don’t think Harrison gives a fuck about my opinion. They are her characters to do with what she will. She will rock on with her badself and you guys love it. ::shrug::

review = opinion = you don’t have to agree with me and I don’t have to agree with you…




Or you know feel free to disagree with me oddly enough we do allow that here.  Because I say so and well I make the rules so woot!