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CourtneyCarroll at the RomanticTimes forum posted an interesting comment while saying how much she disliked Lover Unbound…

I’m a Leo so I’m incredibly loyal and this is the only time I’ve ever had any criticism of…

Where does loyalty come into plan regarding a book? Do we owe an author ‘loyalty’ to like a book?

Seems like an odd thought…

I adore a few, like many and dislike some authors and I enjoy a hella lot of books. But I don’t feel disloyal if I dislike a book.

If I dislike a book, I dislike THE book not the author. And if any author is expecting me to love ALL their writing because I like them, well that is an idea to put away right now. I can’t think of any author that I loved everything they have written. Can you?

What are your thoughts? Are you unloyal if you no likey a book? Or is this just a rabid fangrrl idea?