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limecello.jpgI figure it’s about time for this… so here goes. Limecello would like to say she’s a small girl with big attitude, but that wouldn’t really be true.She’s exceedingly indecisive and has no spine. Strangely enough, she’s opinionated. But dislikes conflict. And dislikes drama even more.

She’s something of a food snob, and likes to rant about book and non book type things. [She’s a equal opportunity ranter.]

99.99% of her reading is in the romance genre, and the .01 percent is comprised of YA and Classics. After only reading classics, she burnt herself out on Thomas Hardy and was depressed for a while. Luckily, romance saved her. She decided to read romance in college because she wanted something light and fun. Due to her love of classics, she read solely historicals, and had to branch out when she exhausted the historical romance collection at her local library. She’s glad she did. At any given moment, Limecello is generally reading 4-6 books at the same time. She’s also not quite sure why she’s writing in the third person.

She cares about world events, and is for the One Campaign, (RED), Save Darfur, and Free Rice. She likes sparkly things just as much as books, and will be happy to answer questions you may have. (But why would you?) πŸ˜‰