What do the RITA’s mean to you?

What do the RITA’s mean to you?

Tweet I have a heap of books, and I was interested to see who was going to win the RITAs. I’ll leave the Golden Heart out of it, since I’ve had no opportunity to read any of them.  Once I bought all the RITA winners and read them, but I only did that a couple of...
Do we care who wins the RITAs this year?

Do we care who wins the RITAs this year?

Tweet Over the past few weeks, one topic has engaged the writer message boards and forums. But, although I’ve read it as an author, it occurred to me that the reader hasn’t really said anything yet. So I thought I’d see what readers think about the...

The Times Could be a Changing

Tweet RWA changes are afoot… That Time of the Year Again What are some of those changes? Carrie Lofty posts at Unusual Historicals about the proposed changes in the history categories. I have to say I agree with tossing the Traditional Regency category. And the...