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readingiii-by-kathianta.pngRWA changes are afoot…

That Time of the Year Again

What are some of those changes?

Carrie Lofty posts at Unusual Historicals about the proposed changes in the history categories. I have to say I agree with tossing the Traditional Regency category. And the whole word count thing has always seemed dumb to me at least how it is structured.

They want to cut the Novel with Strong Romantic Elements from the Golden Heart. I completely agree with this idea unlike Elizabeth Kerri Mahon. I can see her side of it but as a romance reader why should the Romance Writers Association spend time and resources promoting non romance novels? I can somewhat understand it for the RITA’s as romance authors either branching out or trying something different but honestly I think it should be dropped from there as well.

Barbara Ferrer talks about the suggested changes in the Young Adult category and she makes a lot of sense.

BEST YOUNG ADULT ROMANCE – Novels with a strong romantic theme geared toward young adult readers and in which the level of sexuality may range from sweet to extremely hot.

I like the changes they want in the category but do think they need to fix the wording. Because as Barbara sez, I can already hear the click click click of the keyboards as people write in going OMG! Extremely HAWT YA? Are you nuts?

I do question, Novels with a strong romantic theme, I understand we need new blood. I get we want younger readers but mining them from YA novels so we may warp their lil minds later into romance readers doesn’t work for me. (yes that was sarcastic) I think they should drop theme. Should be a strong Romance that fits the age of the characters. Are there not enough YA novels that do that? I tend to think there are… correct me if I am wrong.

And I can see why they are adding the verbiage, may range from sweet to extremely hot, but really I tend to think it shouldn’t matter and it shouldn’t be included period. Unless you are talking about an award for Erotica or Erotic Romance.

This is something I had sitting in draft that should have been posted five years ago. Oops. What other changes are being suggested? What do you guys think? I really don’t see this or really any changes to the contests meaning much to readers or changing what people are writing. But it is fun to talk about.