Alexandra Hawkins Winners!

Tweet Our thanks to Alexandra Hawkins for her guest blog giving us a look into author deadlines and the crazy lifestyle that goes with them. I sure as heck appreciate those wonderful stories I get much more now! And now for our winners… For a copy of Sunrise...

GUEST BLOG: No Turning Back by Joan Swan

Tweet I’m revising a manuscript right now, and I’m at that point in the story where my hero and heroine are approaching the point of no return.  That place where one or both make the decision to do something that changes everything in the existing relationship.  From...

CONTEST: Heroes & Sin

Tweet We’ve got two copies of Sins of the Highlander, thanks to Sourcebooks, to give away today to two lucky commenters out there in romanceland! And how easy it is to win – just tell us your favorite sin committed by romance heroes or your favorite sinful...