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Kaitlyn‘s review of The Men of Twisted by Ana Huang
Contemporary Romance published by Generic 27 Sep 22

Instead of rating each of the books, I’m going to rate the men in them, because there are no rules here!

Twisted Love – Alex Volkov – Grade C

I just couldn’t get behind the 26-year-old self-made billionaire thing. He checked a lot of the book boyfriend boxes and I do like him – he’s just a tad too psychotic for my taste. Bro probably could have used more therapy.

Twisted Games – Rhys Larsen – Grade A

An ex Navy SEAL turned bodyguard. Hands down my favorite Twisted man. There isn’t anything I didn’t love about him. Also, why didn’t anyone tell me this is basically a Princess Diaries 2 retelling?! Perfection. Sure, the plot is a bit shaky at times, but, let’s be honest, we were there for Rhys. He’s probably my new favorite romance book boyfriend. I should have known I’d love him by the name alone.

Twisted Hate – Josh Chen – Grade B

Damn, I didn’t expect Josh to be that hot. Where did that come from? I thought he’s just Ava’s overbearing player-doctor brother, and then I was blindsided. He pissed me off once, but I’m trying to be more forgiving of book characters.

Twisted Lies – Christian Harper – Grade A+

Mr. Harper comes in strong. Not going to lie, he freaked me out a little with his insta-obsession. I’m not sure when exactly, but things quickly change. Christian is a billionaire I could fully get behind, just the right amount of psychotic. 👌🏼 (He’s probably just as psychotic as Alex, but I’ve been desensitized. 😅)

Trying to decide if I need to seriously consider moving to DC now.


Ana Huang’s richly imagined world is brought to life through vivid descriptions and atmospheric settings, transporting readers to exotic locations, glamorous societies, and the darkest corners of the human psyche. From high-stakes heists to passionate encounters, every scene drips with tension and keeps you guessing until the very end.

But it’s not just the thrilling plot that makes “The Twisted Series” a must-read. Ana Huang’s writing style is a true feast for the senses, with lyrical prose that dances off the page. Her ability to delve into the depths of human emotion and explore the complexities of relationships will resonate with readers, tugging at their heartstrings and leaving them breathless.

Other books in this series: