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Book CoverSammy’s review of Toxic Desire (Planet Of Desire, Book 1) by Robin Lovett
Sci-Fi Erotic Romance published by Macmillan 19 Mar 18

It’s been a hot minute since I have read a Sci-Fi romance, let alone an erotic one! Put them together and this book was one hell of a ride. It reminded me why I love Sci-Fi and erotica. Spaceship fights, aliens, strange planets, survival, shipwrecks, as well as enemies to lovers, make this book and this series something to look forward to. I cut my romance teeth on Susan Grant (too many series to name), Linnea Sinclair (Dock Five Universe), Lauren Dane (Federation books), Ann Aguirre (Sirantha Jax anyone?), R. Lee Smith, (hardcore), Sherrilyn Kenyon (League books), and Angela Knight (Warlord). While I know there are many more not listed, these are the books that carried me away to other planets. While this book didn’t really do a deep dive into the worlds these aliens inhabit, I still really enjoyed the story.

General Nem and her crew have broken away from the Ten Systems to explore other alien nations. They are a rogue crew traveling on the Origin when the Ssdez notice them in their airspace. Ssdez will stop at nothing to protect their people, especially because the Ten Systems, which are human, tried to wipe them out. Commander Oten has taken over Nem’s ship. By “taken over,” I mean destroy. Nem has chosen for her crew to wear suits, this way they don’t know each other’s sex. She feels this takes out the pressure of preconceived notions. This works for her…until it doesn’t. This is a problem when she crash lands on Fryian and no one in her crew will know who she is.

Oten and Nem are enemies because Oten blames her kind for killing his people and making them leave their planet to go into hiding. What Nem and Oten don’t realize is they landed on a planet that creates pollen that makes them need to have sex. Yes, people, a pollen that’s in everything that makes them have sex or be in pain and/or die. For these two beings, that’s a hard pill to swallow. Fryian is believed to be a planet burns anything up on impact – and not in the way anyone would think. While Oten and Nem are arguing with each other, the air on the planet is playing with their libidos. These two sworn enemies are going to have to survive. Nem is worried about her crew and ship and she’s determined to find them. Oten is determined to destroy them all.

The sex is plenty. It’s definitely off-the-charts hot. Oten’s golden skin that has a hard shell to protect him to his forked tongue and his venomous bite ups the ante for this hero. Their sex plays havoc with Nem, who remains unattached due to the deaths of her family. Oten is alone because of his hate for her species. What a conundrum for these characters. Nem wants to continue her exploration and follow in her grandmother’s footsteps. Oten’s wants to continue his unflinching protection for his people. They both know if it weren’t for the atmosphere on the planet, they would never have sex. In the middle of their mindless sexcapades, Oten bites Nemona. This venom he secretes changes her into Ssdez and this freaks her out. Oten has major issues, because all this sex is making his mating bond rear its head. His body thinks Nem is his mate and it’s very hard for Oten to fight the feelings.

Eventually Oten and Nem are captured by Nem’s crew that crash landed on the planet. Thanks to their equipment, they found temporary relief from the sex pollen ( I call it pollen, but it’s everywhere, in the water, the plants, the air, the clouds). She has to prove to her crew who she is and in the same breath come to terms that even with the shot, she still has strong feelings for Oten. In the middle of them being held, Oten meets a Fryian and, boy, are they interesting! I hope his book is Book 3. Book 2 is on the shelves and that’s about Oten’s right-hand man. But getting back to the story, Oten and Nemona have to come to terms with their feelings and also how Oten is going to get his people to accept Nem as his mate. Of course, there is a happy solution.

I really liked this book. I do wish the world was expanded and that’s because the author wrote a very interesting world. I had some doubts about Nem and Oten retaining feelings without the constant need for sex, but a nice Fryian made them see the error of their thinking. It’s not a lengthy book, I just wish it was. It could have been an A read for me. I am hoping with each new installment I get more info in regard to the Ssdez and the Fryians. This book was a great ride among the stars! I hope you will give it a chance.

Sammy2Grade: B


Nemona can’t believe she’s crash landed on the planet Fyrian with the brooding, golden-skinned alien who destroyed her ship and scattered her crew. She should want to kill him. But everything on Fyrian is an aphrodisiac. So she just wants to have him. Now.

Revenge. That’s all commander Oten has wanted against humans for more than a century, ever since they tried to destroy his kind. He never thought he’d end up in bed with one. But the desire the sex planet stokes for this human female is eating him alive. Keeping his hands, his mouth, and his vampiric fangs to himself proves impossible—especially when she’s begging him to touch her.

Nemona has no idea what endless sex with a Ssedez will do to her. But Oten knows all too well. They need to get off this planet. Before their coupling stirs an alien mating bond that neither of their hearts can withstand.

Read an excerpt.

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