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Book CoverVeena’s review of At Blade’s Edge (Goddess with a Blade, Book 4) by Lauren Dane
Urban Fantasy published by Carina Press 14 Dec 15

Each book in this series builds upon the previous, enriching the reader’s experience. Rowan knew and understood her destiny when we first met with her in Book 1. In each successive book, she has grown from strength to strength as she matures and fully embraces all her powers. At the same time her relationship with Clive has also grown from lusting adversaries to a tender, fully synchronized partnership.  This book is pivotal in the series, bringing to a close the initial story arc and launching a new and what sounds like an exciting new arc that will eliminate hidden enemies while creating new allies.

Rowan comes to London, the heart of the hunter corporation, determined to expose the rot that is eating away at it. Balanced with her task is her first introduction to Clive’s family as she is welcomed into his home and makes her first mark as his wife. Her introduction to her new mother-in-law and her attempts to play a dutiful daughter-in-law add a touch of much needed humor, especially after they discover the true personalities behind the masks.

Make no mistake that Clive, with his starched and pressed boxers and his single raised eyebrow, got my juices flowing from the first, but it’s the romantic and caring husband who makes me want to roll over and wallow in his perfection. He certainly learned a thing or two over his long lifetime. Ms. Dane, it’s hard to believe that he’s modeled after a real person, but if this perfection exists I’d love to find one like him, incisors and all. His ferocity against her enemies and his tenderness toward Rowan will make your heart melt.

The earlier books have been a coming of age for Rowan as she fully embraces and grows into who and what she is and comes to terms with her past, which has shaped her into what she is, as much as it has hurt her. This book really focuses on the growing intimacy of her relationship with Clive as husband, lover, protector.  The one person she allows herself to be weak with. Along the way we’ve seen a mellowing of her relationship with Theo. It’s also freeing how she finally accepts the love that he bears her, flawed as it might be.

As she cleanses the hunter corporation and cauterizes the wounds inflicted, she takes on the mantle of ridding their world of what threatens to unravel the peace that has been forged and maintained for hundreds of years by treaties and promises between powerful creatures. As we’re introduced to the world of sorcerers and the powerful witch who is now allied with Rowan, I’m looking forward to seeing more interaction between the magic council in the upcoming books.

This was shaping up to be a nice well-written book without a lot of highs of lows until the cliff hanger at the end. I perked up, panting to know more, but, alas, we’ll have to wait and see how events unfold. Did I already say this, I absolutely hate waiting and a year is just too long.

Grade: B


Rowan Summerwaite is no ordinary woman. Raised at the knee of The First and honed into a weapon by the Hunter Corporation, she wields ancient knowledge from the Goddess Brigid…and is newly married to a powerful Vampire scion.

Though she’d hoped the deadly events in Venice would end the threat to The Treaty she is sworn to protect, Rowan found evidence of a grander conspiracy to destroy the fragile peace that holds humans, Vampires and those with magic back from war. A war that would only hurt the weakest and destabilize the world as we know it.

It’s not so much that someone ordered her assassination that makes her angry—people try to kill her all the time—as it is the risks those she cares for, especially her new husband, now face. Clive Stewart has never tried to pen Rowan in or control her choices. He has his own fires to put out now that he’s married to the most powerful non-Vampire in their world, and Rowan knows it’s a challenge to support her the way she needs while not being too much or not enough.

The organization that gave her a purpose, a home, roots and a path when she’d run from The Keep at seventeen has betrayed her. Now, instead of on a much-anticipated honeymoon, Rowan is in London gathering her allies and the evidence necessary to drive out the rot within Hunter Corp. and expose whoever is at the top.

Rowan is a predator and this threat is prey. She’ll burn it down and salt the earth afterward. On her terms.

Read an excerpt.

Other books in this series:
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