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Veena’s review of Temptation Has Green Eyes (Emperors of London, Book 2) by Lynne Connolly
 Historical Romance published by Kensington 03 Feb 15

History is more than just the dull recounting of facts, and Ms. Connolly delivers in her latest historical romance by bringing alive a period of English history that is almost forgotten under the weight of the more popular Tudor and Elizabethan times as featured through films and television.  She brings alive the people, the costumes, and mannerisms with Max and Sophie and the rest of her cast of characters.

Max is definitely an outlier who, despite being a member of a rich and powerful family, chooses trade to fill his family’s empty coffers. I find it interesting that society continues to accept Max and even court him and bears him no prejudice when he chooses to marry the daughter of a rich merchant. It is Sophia who pays society’s price for rising above her station.

Sophia is an absolutely wonderful character. I admire her independence of spirit and forthrightness in going after what she wants. Yet, for all her talent and smarts, she is unable to inherit her father’s business, nor transact business, simply because she’s born with an X chromosome.  It’s hard to imagine how far women have really come until a story likes this brings home how few choices women in historical times had. She is first promised to a man whom her father is training as his successor, and when that fails, thankfully, because the man wanted to take the choice out of her hands, she’s bundled up and thrust into the role of Max’s wife.

Max, to whom she has been invisible until he contracts to marry her. Though, fortunately for her, she has seen him and is attracted to his good looks. Except for a very brief glimpse of Max in the earlier book, this is really our first time getting to know him. I like how he’s earnest and committed to his family and his responsibilities.  The massive house his father beggared their family to build is continuing to drain his earnings, and yet he doesn’t flinch from continuing his father’s dream, even marrying Sophia to do so.

While attracted to Sophia from the get-go, he is definitely clueless about women. Thank god for his cousin Julius, who coaches him on the intimate realities of marriage and the emotional well-being of spouses. Julius is my favorite character in the series so far. I can’t wait for his story, though I am glad that we got to know him a little better in this book.  I also like how Max’s cousins don’t take the high road and reach out to make friends with Sophia and help her socially as much as they’re able. Clearly mothers-in-law haven’t changed much. They were as difficult then as they are now.

The Dankworths are around and play a much bigger role this time.  There’s a lot of suspense regarding Sophia’s possible relationship with them. Sophia’s back story adds a lot of spice, especially the jaw-dropping truth when it’s revealed. Of course, all’s well that ends well, because Max faces up to what’s important to him and nothing can stop this man on a mission.

I think it’s complete poetic justice that business is transacted in coffee shops, considering the proliferation of Starbucks as the business destination of choice for current business people.

The story starts out a bit slow but picks up the pace and doesn’t lose momentum from that point on. This series is terrific so far, and I can’t wait to see it continuing to unfold further.

Grade: B+

She holds the key to more than a fortune…
There’s more to love than meets the eye…

The daughter of a wealthy merchant, Sophia Russell has no interest in marriage, especially after a recent humiliation—and especially not to Maximilian, Marquess of Devereaux. But it’s the only way to save herself from fortune hunters—and those who wish to seize a powerful connection she prefers to keep secret—even from her future husband…

Marrying Sophia is the only way Max can regain the wealth his father squandered on an extravagant country palace. And while Max and his bride are civil, theirs is clearly a marriage of convenience—until a family enemy takes a questionable interest in Sophia—one that may lead all the way to the throne. Forced to become allies in a battle they hadn’t foreseen, the newlyweds soon grow closer—and discover a love, and a passion, they never expected…

No excerpt available.

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