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Veena’s review of The Silence That Speaks (Forensic Instincts, Book 4) by Andrea Kane
Romantic Suspense published by MIRA 28 Apr 15

As they say in any murder mystery, follow the money trail. Well, this one is pretty murky and buried under layers of revenge that has the forensic instincts team, as well as the reader, going in circles chasing down the various leads.  The end and the perpetrator definitely come as a big surprise, making it a great read for fans of romantic suspense. If you like your romance with a touch of that suspense, then this one is for you.

The money trail starts with the merger of two large hospitals in New York, the path to which is cleared by the death of the popular administrator for Manhattan Memorial who was definitely against it.  Conrad Westfield, a talented surgeon, is haunted by the death of his friend – whom he lost on his operating table – so much that he’s given up his career and retreated for psychological counselling.

But with first his ex-wife, Madeline Westfield, being a target for robbery and possible murder and then himself when she brings in Forensic Instincts to decipher this mystery, there’s clearly a possibility that the death might not have been accidental.

While popular, the administrator has a reputation as a womanizer, but his widow and children are definitely seeking to avenge his death by focusing their hate at Madeline and Conrad.  Also there’s the surgeon who is most likely slated to take over as chief of surgery if Conrad Westfield does not come back in that position.  The list of suspects and motives are growing as Cassie and her team go into action, infiltrating the hospital and its computer system to catch up on the gossip and learn the inside story while they continue with good old-fashioned detective work, talking to people and compiling facts. Their work is cut out for them because Marc, Cassie’s trusted right-hand person, has loved Madeline since his SEAL days, and, while he may have walked away from her once, he’s definitely not doing it again.

I really enjoy the bells and whistles of watching this team work, using their state-of-the-art computer system. I will tell you that I got so lost in the investigation along with the Forensic Instincts team that I definitely did not see the true end game until it was laid out for me in black and white. A great story that I definitely enjoyed.

Grade: B



Forensic Instincts’ first order of business is to find out who’s targeting their client. Under the leadership of Casey Woods, the investigative team has the resources to do just that, working inside the law—and outside it. FI’s strength is its members, among them Casey’s associate Marc Devereaux, former navy SEAL and a man who’s equal to any situation.

Except maybe this one…

Madeline’s case hits too close to home for Marc. She’s the only woman he ever loved, and she’s his only weakness. Now a nurse at Manhattan Memorial, she’s terrified because someone is trying to kill her. So she turns, reluctantly, to Marc and FI for help and protection.

Meanwhile, Manhattan Memorial is in turmoil. With a merger in the works, the staff is still haunted by their hospital administrator’s sudden death—during heart surgery performed by Madeline’s ex-husband, Conrad. A surgery at which Madeline was present. The killer seems to blame both Madeline and Conrad…

With a growing list of suspects—including the grieving widow and a string of scorned lovers—Forensic Instincts will have to figure out who has the greatest incentive to get rid of Madeline. And FI has to work fast to save her…before she’s permanently silenced.

Read an excerpt.

Other books in this series:

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