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Veena’s review of Moonlight Raider (Border Nights, Book 1) by Amanda Scott
Historical Romance published by Forever 30 Sep 14 

I have long enjoyed these stories set during the turbulent times when the borders between England and Scotland were fluid and loyalties changed sides frequently.  I like Ms. Scott’s characters and her depiction of Scotland, especially the borders, so I was quite pleased to find this upcoming book and even more pleased when I found that this is the story of Sir Walter Scott and Lady Meg from Border Wedding‘s grandson Walter.  I am sad to say that I do not remember much of the original characters from the series, though we definitely get to meet many of them in this book.

Molly Cockburn is a heroine right out of my heart. Forced into marriage by her father and brothers to a horrible man, our intrepid heroine manages to escape and flee eight miles barefoot through the hills and valleys that surround her home. Fortunately for her, the newly minted laird of Buccleugh, Walter Scott, finds her before her family does and offers her shelter in his castle.  Little does Walter know at the time he makes it, that his offer of protection might include the need for him to offer her marriage.

As Mollie makes herself at home in the Scott Castle and endears herself to his family and retainers, I love the growing feeling of friendship and protection that Walter begins to develop toward her. This is a good old-fashioned romance with a slow building of emotion and relationship, which I find quite refreshing after all the wham-bang-thank-you-ma’am style of romance novels today.

Walter also emerges as a man who is finding himself after the death of his father. He tries to do the right thing and lead his men, and I find it endearing that he questions his leadership style. The one thing that he wants is a knighthood and yet he has no qualms about sacrificing that to save Mollie’s life.

About the only thing I find disconcerting is that I do recognize some of the character names and references to the past that suggested might be stories I’ve read before, and, sure enough, it turns out some of these characters had their own story. The only one I am still unsure about is where our hero’s father Robert is also featured in his very own romance. I suppose in a sense, while it is sad that some of these characters have moved on, there’s also a sense of continuity that makes the stories more true to life.

Grade: B



Border lord Walter Scott of Rankilburn, grief-stricken after burying his father, goes to the forest seeking solace. Instead he finds a half-naked young lady fleeing pursuit. Wat offers his protection, but honor demands that he return the golden-eyed beauty to her rightful husband-even though the last thing he wants is to see her in another man’s arms.


Molly Cockburn has fled her home, family, and the brutal scoundrel she was forced to wed. Her pursuers are closing in when the powerful new Lord of Rankilburn bravely intervenes, then promises to help prove her marriage unlawful. Though fiercely loyal to her family, Molly fears they might harm the man she is coming to love, and now she must decide whether to remain faithful to her blood . . . or to her heart.

No excerpt available.