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Book CoverLaura C’s review of Secrets of Bella Terra (Scarlet Deception Series, Book 1) by Christina Dodd
Contemporary Romance/Romantic Suspense published by Signet Select 02 Aug 11

I’ll just admit up front that I love Christina Dodd. That said, I always face books written by my long-time favorites with some trepidation. Will it be as good as I expect? If not, will I be able to forgive the author? How many chances can I give an author before I give up? (The answer: a lot.)

Luckily, in this first new book in her Scarlet Deception series, Dodd does not disappoint.  It’s touching, sweet, and has enough intrigue to keep the pages turning long into the night. It’s as much small town contemporary romance as it is romantic suspense, so I’d recommend it to anyone who reads in either of those subgenres.

Rafe di Luca is the epitome of tall, dark, and dangerous, and his short-lived but passionate affair with Brooke Petersson ended because neither could come to grips with the other’s lifestyle. None of that has changed. Rafe is still a world traveler and security specialist, while Brooke still prefers to stay home and manage the Bella Terra resort and winery complex. When Rafe’s grandmother is attacked on the Bella Terra grounds, he comes running home…smack into Brooke. Forced to deal with each other to figure out what is going on, they gradually remember the positive things in their relationship as well as the acrimony.

If you are a reunion romance fan, this book is definitely for you. Even when you know they’ll get their HEA, the question of how they will overcome the things that separated them in the past looms until the very end. He even admits as much to himself and to Brooke’s mother:

“…I’ve never done anything to deliberately hurt Brooke, and I never will.”

“You never used malice, you mean. But deliberately…yes, you have. You two have been in love and out of love, but how would you even know if the same things are important to both of you? What kind of relationship do you have that you don’t talk to her about your job? About what matters to you? About your plans?”

“Fair enough. I’ll take all your points under advisement.  Now, take mine under advisement. I’ve dealt with my PTSD. It changed me, true—in the end, it made me a better man, and one able to help Brooke in her hour of need. It’s time for some honesty between Brooke and me, and for you”—he pointed his finger at Mrs. Petersson—”to back off.” He didn’t wait for her to argue. He didn’t have the time and he didn’t have the patience. Instead, he walked out the door and into the warm spring morning.

I felt the mystery here took a backseat to the romance, but that didn’t particularly bother me. The slash and burn style of romantic suspense can leave one a bit exhausted (though that doesn’t stop me from picking up every single one that hits the shelves) and it was lovely to read one that moved a little more slowly.

Occasionally, I did think the plot moved a little too slowly, and once in a while the dialogue got a bit stilted (not between Rafe and Brooke but, as above, between secondary characters).  Still, those are relatively minor quibbles and I read the book until way too late at night and was thoroughly satisfied at the end.

Grade: B+


Dark, brooding, and sexy, Rafe Di Luca has returned to Bella Terra for one reason: to find out who attacked his beloved grandmother… and why. Owner of one of the world’s leading security firms, he has his prime suspect: the beautiful Brooke Petersson, manager of Bella Terra. Years ago, he and Brooke shared a powerful passion before he walked out of her life. She swore the affair was over forever, yet they find themselves drawn into an erotic web neither can escape. Now Rafe must decide if he should trust the desire Brooke ignites in him—or if seduction is her revenge…

Read an excerpt.

Other books in this series:

Book Cover


Betrayal in Bella Terra – April 2012