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DuckFlashThis just in…

Cynthia Eden is celebrating her upcoming release,  Midnight Sins, with a terrific holiday contest.  She’s giving away the best kind of gifts — ones you choose yourself.  There’s two ways to win, so be sure to check it out!

~  The first way to win is to post a ready-made advertisement for Midnight Sins on your blog, website, MySpace page, wherever you can help Cynthia get the word out about her new release.

~ If you’re not able to enter that way, then you can read an excerpt of Midnight Sins, answer a simple question found in the excerpt, send it to Cynthia and she’ll enter you in the drawing.

~ But you can enter both ways and double your chances of winning.

~ What are the prizes, you ask?  Check this out these great gifts where you get to choose your heart’s desire!

1st Place: $100 gift certificate to Victoria’s Secret

2nd Place: $50 gift certificate to Bath and Body Works

3rd Place: $25 gift certificate to Amazon.com

4th, 5th, and 6th Place: Your choice of two autographed books from my backlist.

~ The contest runs until December 3, so you still have plenty of time.  Check it out here.

Consider yourself flashed.