LauraD’s review of The Black Dagger Brotherhood: An Insider’s Guide by J.R. Ward
Paranormal Romance reference released by NAL Trade 7 Oct 08
If you aren’t yet familiar with J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood, then I’ve gotta ask: where have you been? Whether you’ve read the books or not, whether you like the books or not, Ward created both a phenomenon and a train that won’t stop rolling. When she announced on her website that a “compendium” about the Brotherhood would be released before her hardback debut next year, I was one of many Khool-Aid drinkers eager to find out more about the alternate world she’s created.
The Insider’s Guide manages to be both a treat to fans, and disappointing as well. It opens with the lovely novella “Father Mine”, a continuation of Zsadist and Bella’s story. If like me, you are a fan of that particular couple, then “Father Mine” is pure cake and ice cream. It focuses on Zsadist’s inability to deal with being a new father, and shows him making some peace with his past. Ward is quite open about her love of Zsadist, and it shows in a well-paced story that combines action, emotional development, and a pretty hot love scene.
“The Brotherhood Dossiers” include a questionnaire “answered” by the respective character, and then an “interview”– actually short stories in which Ward inserts herself as the interviewer. Readers familiar with the author’s message board — probably the most unique romance fan community ever — will recognize the style. It provides a fun opportunity to catch up with where favorite characters are in their private lives. Also at the end of each character’s section are notes on that particular novel, and “craft notes” pertaining to both that specific book and Ward’s writing practice in general. I appreciated that she acknowledged the almost universal dislike of the ending of “Lover Unbound”, and she touches on the homoerotic nature of the Butch/Vishous relationship as well.
Also included are a letter from Ward “to writers”, the original proposal for Dark Lover, and a few deleted scenes from the books — well worth reading even if they didn’t work in the context of the original novel. Then the Guide moves into what I frankly found to be pure filler. “Kicks and Giggles” are Ward’s favorite dialogue quotes from the novels. “The Brothers on the Board” are verbatim “appearances” that Ward’s characters have made on her message board, and they are still available there. Also available on the website, “Slices of Life”– short stories featuring the Brothers. Finally, Ward is interviewed by her own characters — again, a first person short story.
I closed An Insider’s Guide having enjoyed the opportunity to spend time with old favorites, but without any additional insight to the characters. As a fan, I had hoped Ward would expand on both her mythology and her world building. I was disappointed that she chose to devote so much of the book to material previously published on her message board — close to 150 pages of a trade paperback is a lot of recycling.
Grading this one is hard. “Father Mine,” the novella, is totally A+ material. (I believe the novella to be available by itself as an eBook.) The “Dossiers” and interviews were pure fan candy, and I’m sure Ward’s cellies are pleased to have a bound edition of the message board material. It’s interesting to have insight into Ward’s writing process, and she has a self-deprecatory voice that serves her well as she discusses her craft. Balancing the great, the good, and the filler, I’m saying…
Grade: B-
Read more news, reviews, and information by clicking on the Black Dagger Brotherhood series tag.
This is a book no Black Dagger Brotherhood fan should miss-an insider’s guide that will seduce readers as powerfully as the sexy band of Brothers and the world they live in. And also included is an original short story about stars Zsadist and Bella!
This comprehensive guide features insider information on the Brotherhood, their dossiers, stats, and special gifts. Readers will savor interviews with their favorite characters, deleted scenes, exciting material from the J.R. Ward message board and the answers to their burning questions. They’ll learn what it’s like for J.R. Ward to write each installment of the series, and in a fascinating twist, read an interview with the author-conducted by the Brothers. Plus readers will get a sneak peek at the much anticipated next book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, Lover Avenged.
Read an excerpt.
Other books in the series (all dates are mass market paperback release, except for Lover Avenged, which releases hardcover next May):
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I would prolly grade it more of a B or B+.
But was thinking it almost needs two grades. I myself am a Khool-Aid drinker but with my attention span and lack of fangrrlness (I know shocking eh?) I don’t really ‘get’ the message board.
And honestly, I could get lost there (and scared) so I don’t go over there that much. It is also a total time suck, which I have many of already. Soooo if you don’t go over there much or at all this is rather a nifty thing.
AT THE SAME TIME… here is a question for you I have been pondering (and was asked about on twitter – the ultimate time suck) do you think it is worth the price? And is that yes/no for the fangrrl/khool-aid drinker, the average reader or first time caller?
That question isn’t just to LauraD but anyone who has read this.
I know I will probably be in the minority, but no I don’t think the compendium is worth the $15.00. I think if you are a fan of the brotherhood buying the short story is worth it. As for the rest you can find all that information on her website or in interviews. There was really no new and interesting facts about the world she created. I will say that the excerpt on Rehvenge’s book got my interest. I don’t know if I will be shelling out the money for that hardcover yet. I will wait for the reviews on it and not by fangirls that would read her grocery list either.
Sybil, I think that if you haven’t already read some of the books, the guide is useless. So, a no for newbies.
Casual fans, I’d suggest buying the novella online and hitting Ward’s website/message board for the material available there; or hoping to find this one at the UBS.
For the hardcore, it’s a must have-because Ward wrote it. lol
Really? I was thinking if you picked up the next book, you could read this and catch up fast.
of course I am a spoiler whore and wouldn’t mind being spoiled to hell and would then prolly go back and read them… 🙂
I haven’t read through the entire compendium yet. I’ve been bouncing around and reading the parts that interest me the most. I loved “Father Mine”! Z is one of my 2 favorite characters so far and it is good to read of his development.
I, for one, HATE the boards, so I was very happy to have the mini ‘stories’ from there published in the book. The boards are just too full of ‘chatter’ and I don’t have the time or patience to wade through it.
I’d agree with a B rating simply because of all the recycled material.
I think books in general are over-priced, but I still buy way too many each month. So I didn’t bat an eye at the the $15 price ($13 something with my B&N discount card).
I am anxiously awaiting Rhevenge’s book next year. I am happy about the switch to hardback. I love the look and feel of them. This is one author that I would not mind the extra cost. (I can’t say that about many.)
I have read all the books in the series and I love the series. I have never been to Ward’s message board though. I hate the idea of having to scroll through a bunch of stuff trying to weed through all the bullsh*t to get to the good stuff. After Lover Enshrined came out and I heard through the grapevine that there was information on her boards that explained some of the new characters in the book, I was ticked. I didn’t want to have to go to the message boards to be able to follow along in the series. So because of that I am really glad that what is on the message boards is in this book.
I think it’s a difficult thing to grade a “reference” book. You’re not grading story arcs and character development. You’re grading usefulness. Usefulness has a different definition for a fangrrl than it does for a casual reader. I’d say that this book is an A to a fangrrl, but a C or even C- for a casual reader.
And I’m not sure if it could be called a “reference” book. Perhaps if there were more about the world building and mythos, it would be. But as a compilation of detritus from the message boards? Not so much.
I’ll wait until someone is selling it used on’s marketplace before I sink money into it. I’ll get it for a song then.
gwen, gwen, gwen, just borrow mine…
I’m new to the series but totally in love with all the characters. But I saw this book in Borders and ALMOST bought it, but after thumbing through it, I didn’t feel it was worth the money. I was hoping to find Father Mine and Rhevenge’s story online on JR Ward’s website,but no luck.. I’ll either pop a seat at Border’s and read it for free or be like Gwen and wait til someone sells it on amazon..
I read the insider’s guide and was very disappointed. i have read all of the previous books in the series and was really looking forward to the guide. i’d give it a C+ because the only good part (to me) was the novella about Bella & Z. i was hoping for more info or novellas on the other brothers. i did not want to read pages and pages of how to become a writer. i think the cost of the book was too much for what i got, but i read it entirely because i don’t want to miss anything in the series. i can’t wait for rhevenge’s book to come out. i agree with one of the others, in that i could have found out all of this info by jumping on jr ward’s website and reading the boards. any-hoo, just wanted to give my two cents and to state that if you don’t get this book your are not really missing anything.