Michelle Styles shares some interesting tidbits of information floating around. Note the awesome sale, and a new writing contest!
***The current BIG news is that www.eharlequin.com is having a Buy One, Get One Free sale (across all lines and books on 12,13, 14 August.***
As there is a TGTBTU spotlight on Blaze, Kira Sinclair is Blaze’s debut author this month with Whispers In the Dark
. When asked, Kira explained about her books:
When a reader picks up one of my books, she can expect a sinfully sensual romance that isn’t afraid to tackle tough, true life issues in order to find the healing power of love.
Mills and Boon has revamped its website. It now has a “browse the book” feature as well as widgets for its covers. The site is far easier to navigate, but still no sign of the promised ebooks…
Harlequin won 7 out of the 12 Ritas. Many congratulations to all the winners.
Apparently the Harlequin party was wonderful but very crowded. Next year’s party should be huge as Harlequin will be celebrating its 60th anniversary. All sorts of exciting things are planned including special mini series.
Longtime Presents author Carole Mortimer announced that in addition to her Presents novels, she has sold her first historical to Mills & Boon Historical — to be published in the UK in April 2009. It is the start of Regency series. Carole is a longtime Regency fan and said that it felt like she had sold her first book all over again.
Following on from the success of the “Instant Seduction” contest, there is a “Feel the Heat” contest that is aimed solely at would-be Modern Heat writers. The top prize is an editor for a year. Deadline for entry is 15 September 2008. Full details about the contest are on I Heart Presents. Modern Heat novels are released as both Presents and Presents Extra in the US, but they are flirtier than the more traditional Presents. Read about them here.