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Book CoverIf you haven’t noticed Shiloh is a personal favorite of mine. This was suppose to go up on Friday but I was trying to close out the contests before opening more ;).

Read on to see who Shi’s Dream Team is…. and let her know who yours is *g*

I’ve got a big booksigning coming up this weekend (June 6-8) in Cincinnati, Ohio. It’s the Lori Foster and Dianne Castell yearly get-together.

This event is always cool…some of the authors attending include:

  • me

And the list goes on. I can’t list all of them because there are 100+ authors attending, authors from big and small presses, authors of contemp romance, paranormal romance, erotic romance, sweet romance, you name it.

I have to include me, because it’s just so cool seeing my name up there with other authors. Let me tell you, five years ago, if somebody had told me I’d be at events signing books with authors like Lori Foster & Dianne Castell, I would have laughed my tail off. So it actually happening still seems a little surreal to me.

But since I’m all for the surreal, lets venture in Shiloh’s lalaland and put together a ‘dream team’ of authors gathered in one place for a booksigning.

Who would be on your team?

Mine would include:

So who would be at your dream team signing?


Gift bag with books and goodies. This prize will be given away at the end of June mid August… prolly…