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hh-spotlight-logo.jpgby Patricia Frances Rowell

People are forever asking writers, “Where do you get your ideas?” And we look at them blankly, because we can’t comprehend the question. The reason for that is that we are inundated with ideas. Everything we see or hear or read sets our busy little minds to spinning.

For example, take the idea for my June book, An Impetuous Abduction. For reasons I have now forgotten, I was perusing the list of given names in my fifty-year-old Webster Collegiate Dictionary. I noticed that the English name ‘Demetra’ is derived from ‘Demeter’, the Greek fertility goddess.

Patricia Frances Rowell

Well, duh! But who knew? That put me in mind of the famous myth of Demeter; her daughter, Persephone; and Hades, Lord of the Underworld. You know the one? The one that explains why we have fertile summer and barren winter?

In a nut shell, Hades absconds to his realm with Persephone, and her mother pines so much that she doesn’t do her job of making things grow. Zeus, Chief God, has to get into it and negotiate a deal that allows Persephone to stay with her husband, Hades, for six months of the year and with her mother for six months. Thus winter and summer.

Mother love is a beautiful thing, and it has its place in the world, but can you imagine poor Hades having Demeter as a mother-in-law? Can you imagine being Persephone and being tugged first one way and then the other? How are the honeymoon couple going to live happily ever after?

There is more to this story than just Zeus’s solution!

And I decided to write it.

Thanks, TGTBTU, for letting me join you today!
