Crazy about…Francis Crawford of Lymond

Crazy about…Francis Crawford of Lymond

Tweet At one point in my life, I decided to give up working for a while and have babies with my husband. That entailed selling my house in Banbury, moving up to Manchester and changing all the boring legal stuff, house titles, insurance documents. You get the picture....

REVIEW: Dark Desires After Dusk by Kresley Cole

Tweet Liviania‘s review of Dark Desires After Dusk by Kresley Cole Paranormal Romance released from Pocket 20 May 08 Kresley Cole began setting the stage for Dark Desires After Dusk during Wicked Deeds on a Winter’s Night.  Those teasing glimpses of...
What Esquire can teach you

What Esquire can teach you

Tweet It’s interesting the things one can find while surfing the net. I came across this list on that, from what I can tell was originally published in Esquire magazine. As a peek into the male brain, it’s kind of interesting. Skills to master that...