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Unlawful Contact by Pamela Clare

Tragic news in Romancelandia. Pamela Clare, gracious and talented author of Unlawful Contact, had a computer commit suicide on her. And thus she has lost her music! Which is why there was no contest during her Guest Quacking… and why she seemed to disappear for half of the day. Technology.  She’s a fickle mistress.  I mean.  It’s a tragedy of Shakespearian proportions in this day and age.

Therefore, in an effort to remind her of all her music, and perhaps help her build her collection again, the Duckies (or Sybil) had a fun idea.

Oh, and we get to have a contest. It’s a great one too: the winner will get a signed copy of Unlawful Contact and a set of perfume appropriately named “Marc” and “Sophie” in honor of the book.

And I get to come up with the rules. Excellent. Imagine me saying that like Mr. Burns. No? Oh well.

Pamela’s perfume

Pamela says this, as some guidance on her tastes:

  • I love 3 Doors Down and lost them. I love rock.
  • I lost the Tudors soundtrack.
  • God, I lost a ton of 70s, 80s, 90s rock.

Here are the rules:

  1. Come of up with a list of your top 10-25 favorite songs OR albums. A catchy tune or two or uh… 3,756 (don’t judge me!).
  2. Comment to this thread with that list before midnight (according to the blog’s timestamp) next Tuesday, 8 April (technically 12:00am 9 April, but you know what I mean).
  3. A winner will be chosen from the comments.
  4. Only one entry per IP address (per household) will be considered for the contest, but you can comment as often as you wish.

Good luck and have fun with lists… it’s a listmania! 🙂