Alluring Tales--Awaken the Fantasy (Avon Red)Alluring Tales--Awaken the Fantasy (Avon Red)

Alluring Tales Author:

Myla’s Q&A

I approached these questions as a writer of erotic romance and with that in mind.

small qmarkWhat is your favorite word?

Cock, most definitely! It’s about the hardest, sexiest word in erotica.

small qmarkWhat is your least favorite word?

Vagina, can’t say that it inspires me. The word lacks a certain amount of sex appeal.

small qmarkWhat turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

A hunky hero! Beyond that, a really interesting plot with a twist or a really great love story.

small qmarkWhat turns you off?

A wimpy guy. Love a good alpha hero unafraid of going after what he wants. No whiny babies for me!

small qmarkWhat is your favorite curse word?

I never used to say the word “fuck” but now that I write erotica, it seems to crop up everywhere! When used in the right context (uh-huh, you guessed) it’s very stimulating.

small qmarkWhat sound or noise do you love?

The sound of skin slapping against skin. A fun spanking or something more intimate.

small qmark What sound or noise do you hate?

A really gross fart. Hey! You know what I’m talking about! And they can slip out at the worst times!

small qmarkWhat profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

porn photographer. Would love to capture the mood on film. And the porn stars these days are HOOOTTTT! Yeah, baby!

small qmarkWhat profession would you not like to do?

King crab fisherman. I have no stomach for pitching seas.

small qmarkIf Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Erotica lovers to the left, Inspirationals to the right. Yeah you, go to the left!
mylaThanks Myla!

Now it is your turn, ask away…