Goose got me loose…

Tweet Lover Revealed RELEASE DATE March 6 J R Ward will be guest bloggin on March 9th. She will be in NY over release date and last book release she had a signing that night so Ward was disappointed in the amount of time she was able to spend here. I know she is...

things that make you go hmmmm

Tweet So have you signed up for blogburst yet. It looks like they have signed an agreement with Internet Broadcasting… you know the one with 70+ TV news stations… It is way easy to request. I have heard varying reports on how long it takes to get back with...

Sasha White does The Power of Three

Tweet Threesomes might be hot right now, but it doesn’t matter how hot they are, if they’re not written well. Just like any other aspect of a story. It can be written as a completely unrealistic fantasy, or it can be written as a real experience. They do happen in...