
Alluring Guest Author

Myla Jackson

Alluring Tales flashOne of the really nifty things about doing these guest weeks, is it allows me to discover authors I have never read before.

svmjReally it is one of the things I love about anthologies, how you can generally get an author or two you read and try one or two new ones. Alluring Tales was great because it has such a large group of authors I have read and really enjoyed and I was able to find out more about the two I hadn’t read yet.
Alluring Tales--Awaken the Fantasy
One of those author’s was Myla Jackson. Not only does she add a great tale to Alluring Tales but she has a some really interesting stories you should check out from Ellora’s Cave novel. Myla writes contemporary and paranormal. Before you groan, something to note is she won the RWA Golden Heart for Best Paranormal Romance in 2004!

svmjShe was paranormal before paranormal was cool. But I would be lying if I didn’t say the fact that she has a western coming out soon (an antho that includes her sister)makes me sqqqquuueee.

Wild, Wild Women of the WestSo sit back, pull up a chair and browse through her backlist. For an author who sold her first book in 2005, you have a lot to chose from. Best of all, they are ebooks. So you don’t even have to leave your home.

We will have an excerpt from her novella, Out of the Shadows, in Alluring Tales as well as her new Ellora’s Cave novel, Sex, Lies & Vampire Hunters . And of course we will have a Q&A and a contest because what is a guest author day without them?
