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Book CoverI have to admit I adore Sasha White.

I almost always like her writing and some of her books I love but the author herself is one of the nicest people.

I started to do this intro about an hour and a half ago. But once I hit her site I got lost reading it.Book Cover

She has written tons of books. And has quite a few coming out this year. Sasha has written for more publishers than I think I could list but the ones that quickly come to mind are Avon Red, Berkley, Samhain, Aphrodisia and Liquid Silver Books.

Something you won’t always find in writers or their writing is a large part of Sasha comes out through her writing.Book Cover

I don’t mean they mirror her life but often I find they mirror her attitude. Sasha is very open. She is extremely sexually positive something I find matters to my feminist self. But most of all I would say there is a respect about her for other people that shines through her stories.Book Cover

I think it is very likely I am not making myself very clear but if you have been here before you should be use to that and if you haven’t been, well you have more than a few books by Sasha to try out. Sasha says she write erotic and that they always have a happy ending and she writes romance and those do have a happy ever after. Sadly I don’t think there are any historicals.

Book CoverDreamsI will be putting up some guest post penned Sasha White, some excerpts, a Q&A, a contest and she will be popping in some. I think. LOL if not she will be by later I am sure.

We have a week of Alluring guests and they sort of all know each other. Do feel free to comment on any authors post on any day. New posts should go up each day around 10am to noon. I hope you find a book to love, a new author to try or maybe even pull off a book off the TBR mountain. If nothing else we should have a good time.