not allFriday my lil sister turned the big one three. LOL yes I am 31 and she is 13. This amuses the brat child greatly. I have been out to the house three times in four days. They so don’t understand I have books to read and blogs to post 🙂

(only click ‘more’ if you want to be treated to a shit load of family rambling)

As does what I got her and I am still not sure if I am happy with it or not. I gave it some thought and then some more and more. After talking to someone oh so smart, I decided we all have our vices, she makes great grades, I was spoiled as all get out when I was her age and well, le sigh, I am a wuss. And hey I have spent much more in a month on books (many still not read) than I did on her gifts.

Soooo for her birthday I gave her a very small purse. So you say? LOL yeah… so I said small, a charm with the letter of her first name and a small wallet type thing. I was going to see if I could get one from Ebay but never found one new I liked. So in the end… did the outlet. I wonder if the kid knows how many books I could have bought. The funny thing was just how oh so cool she tried to play the whole thing.

I have had more money issues than I care to think of in the last few years. So really birthday gifts and such from me were small, often not even paid for by me but my mom. Not that anyone complained or was upset about it (other than me) and I had always spent way too much on her – see the spoiled above. So all in all I am happy I did it, the niggle I still have is it is such a ‘status’ thing.

I don’t mind it if she WANTS it. If she works for it. If she covets it because wow I have to have that book now. Uh I mean… lol. But good god ‘these kids today’. I am getting old…

Their Coach purses (because don’t cha know D&B is soooooooo out), the A&F-American Eagle-Hollister clothes, the razors (cells), the laptops and whatever. The waste is amazing. The feeling, you know, many of those kids that can’t have it must have. So I went back and forth with ‘do I contribute to that’? Should I offer to pay half and make her pay half. Do I just say no?

She is a straight A student – for the most part her honors math was kicking her ass for a while. The kid who flips out if she gets a B. There is everything with her back and she is doing amazing with handling all that. The doctors have been keeping a sharp eye on the curve, the last x-rays didn’t show any improvement but the ones before that did. Hell she made the vollyball team this year, of course ‘only’ 77 girls tried out. LOL there were two teams of… uh 12? 15? something…

She is in honors english, math, science and taking journalism (doing yearbook too) next year. So all the ‘stuff’ doesn’t seem to go to her head – yet. And hey she is a double 00, might as well wear trendy stuff while ya can right? LOL And she isn’t one of the bony ones who ‘diet’ and splurge by consuming food instead of air. She just happens to have her daddy’s genes.

If she is really lucky she will be like him and be able to eat everything in sight until she hit 30ish. Yeah… tall (already taller than me), thin (while I struggle to stay a six), great skin tone (while you can’t tell I am half Mexican unless I tell ya or you know my last name) and amazing hair. Good thing she is my sister or I would have to hate her. lol

But I will miss the books that I could have had. LOL speaking of… I guess it is this big fucking deal she has the next book in The Clique. Because like everyone wants it… about two mothers have called my mom asking how she got it. OMG the moms I wish I could talk about them not sure how mom puts up with them.

hmmm you know I may password this post after the first YA review goes up LOL. Good god that is another thing, it is very possible you will see some of my family pop up here. I told them not to which the responses were – “Why it seems so neat” to my mom saying “Oh god you’re mean there too aren’t you.” LOL it always cracks me up when people say the net gives people freedom to say the things they never would in person (which really is true for many). I can honestly say that this is me, except I can be a much bigger bitch in person.

Lil sis was sitting there at the table so I didn’t really go into it other than I just don’t think you would be interested in the books I talk about. You don’t read romance… blah blah blah. Then looked at my aunt and said – you think the Clique is scandalous. Soooo yeah… someone will pop up I am sure. Should be amusing…

Anyhoo I am sure there are only a handful of people still reading this boring thank god sybil rarely talks about RL. And I have some drafts to save and close before being off to work.