SCULLY: Mulder? We’ve got this conference. They’re waiting.

MULDER: Yeah. How do I say this without using any negative words, Scully?

SCULLY: You want me to tell them that you’re not going to make it to this year’s teamwork seminar.

MULDER: Yeah, you see that? We don’t need that conference. We have communication like that, unspoken. You know what I’m thinking.

Detour (5×04)

le sigh… I had my day all planned out, thing to finish up, emails to send, reviews to finish, guest ebuzz’s to format, new Books to post…. IMPORTANT STUFF!

It is almost 11:30 people and you know what I have done today? WORK! If that isn’t a huge ball of wrong I don’t know what is…

I did start to do the recaps for Jan last night and ended up fixing HelenKay’s, EC Sheedy’s, Jo Goodman’s and one of JR Wards. Hey it is progress…