robin schoneguestI am not quite sure where to start with an into for Robin Schone, which might have to do with the fact I am currently running on info overload from interviews, essay’s and reviews.

We could start with how her first book was rejected 28 times before an agent loved it and sold it with in five days to Avon (yes Avon).
Scandalous Lovers
Or we could talk about the rant she did for AAR: Masturbation, Wanton Women, & Other Romance No-Nos and the reaction to it. Where romance was then and were we are now and if there is really any difference in the readership or if we just found new blood.
Gabriel\'s Woman
We could talk about her message board, her message, how sexually positive she is and we will prolly do all that and more at some point today. But personally I think the best thing about Robin Schone is that she took one agent telling her:

“You simply cannot start a romance book with a masturbation scene.”

then made a career of doing things ‘You simply cannot’ do.

Awaken, My Love (Brava Historical Romance)Awaken, My Love (Brava Historical Romance)Robin Schone follows no rules other than her characters. And she manages to push boundries, without the book reading like it is JUST about breaking the rules.

She the only author I could think of to use a woman masturbating to cause time travel, in the first pages of the novel. She had anal sex in her books before anal was everywhere and then some. Robin isn’t afraid of getting her hands dirty or letting her characters go where they need to in order to tell their tale.
The Lady\'s Tutor (Brava Historical Romance)
Robin’s characters range from a male prostitute (trained to please men) to a castrated hero. Some how she seems to always make it work, well for me at least. And now when some writers are getting kinkier and kinkier to try and be different and stand out, she does, simply by writing about real people with real ages facing real fears.Fascinated

No were’s, no vamps, no virgins or ‘woe is me, my mother left me so all women are whores’ rakes to reform. It really brings home what Robin often says in her interviews: “I don’t write about sex, I write about people who have sex.”

And I think she does it rather well. You may not like her books. You may think what she writes isn’t romance. You may think she is too dark or too different. But I don’t think anyone could argue she doesn’t deserve respect and kudos for helping bring erotic romance out of the closet.
Captivated: Ecstasy/ Bound and Determined/ Dark Desires/ A Lady\'s Pleasure
There were erotic romance authors before her and there will be many after her. But I don’t think there will ever be another writer like her. I haven’t read Scandalous Lovers yet. And I wonder how a book written over six years ago will read today.

But I am glad she stuck with it and saw her legal battle through and she did so professionally (although it somewhat sucks we can’t get details… and you know me… I tried)The Lover

So stick around, we have some guest posts, a contest, nifty quotes and a random thing or two. And if I can talk her into it… a new excerpt *g*.

Scandalous Lovers

Characterization. Emotion. I can’t stress those two qualities enough. Publishers—and readers—want two people making love, not two acrobats testing the limits of human endurance. They want to know those two people, to experience their sexuality with them and through them.

Robin Schone – Burning Desires and The New Erotic Romance Novel