review to come but first a question

Tweet The School for Heiresses We know I amuse far, far too easy… so I have a question. Take your mouse and scroll over the name of the book. OK no one said anything about this… le sigh… so I am thinking I am the only one who thought it was tres...

Some Q’s… silly fun

Tweet Please answer any or all the questions open to authors and readers You may post on board or email me. What time did you get up this morning? What was the last film you saw at the cinema? What is your favorite TV show? What did you have for breakfast? What is...

Some Q’s… reader mishmash

Tweet Please answer any or all the questions open to authors and readers You may post on board or email me. Do you read excerpts? Do you enter contests? What are your favorite prizes? What are the worst? What is the bestest thing you have ever won? What are the...

Some Q’s… ebooks

Tweet Please answer any or all the questions open to authors and readers You may post on board or email me. Have you ever read an ebook? Do you have an ereader? What kind? Would you recommend it? Where do you purchase your ebooks? What are the top five e publishers...

Some Q’s… Harlequin

Tweet Please answer any or all the questions open to authors and readers You may post on board or email me. Do you read any of the Harlequin lines? Which ones? Are there any lines you read every month? Are there any lines you think should get more attention? Any...