??Please answer any or all the questions open to authors and readers

You may post on board or email me.

small qmarkWhat time did you get up this morning?

small qmarkWhat was the last film you saw at the cinema?

small qmarkWhat is your favorite TV show?

small qmarkWhat did you have for breakfast?

small qmarkWhat is your middle name?

small qmarkWhat is your favorite CD at the moment?

small qmarkWhat characteristic do you despise?

small qmarkIf you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you

small qmarkAre you a morning person or a night person?

small qmarkAny new and exciting news you’d like to share ?

heeeeeee oh come on now tis fun! Hey I could have posted the whole damn thing… it is from one of those get to know your friends emails… it had 30 question to begin with! 🙂