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Because Shi said so………..

Contemporary, Historical, or Paranormal?
oh I like them all but in order of wants:

Paranormal *but I am a harder sell these days*

Contemporary – they still make these?

Hardback or Trade Paperback or Mass Market Paperback?

Heyer or Austen?
who? kidding… none of the above

Amazon or Brick and Mortar?

Barnes & Noble or Borders?
which ever has the better coupon that week

Woodiwiss or Lindsay?
Lindsay never read a Woodiwiss and doubt I will

First romance novel you ever remember reading?
hmmm well we aren’t counting Jackie Collins or Judith Krantz right? There was one around then when I was 16 or 17… western… hero kidnaps heroine for some reason… all I remember is the cabin and her taking a bath. Yeah, not too many books like that out there huh?

Sooooooooo first I remember is Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale

Alphabetize by author Alphabetize by title or random?
Alpha sort of… then just all over the fucking place.

Keep, Throw Away or Sell?
le sigh… I really hate the thought of throwing books away. I know I have whined about this in the past. Add to that the one book I have trashed was a falling apart copy of Glitter Baby… I never trash.

Read with dustjacket or remove it?
whatever… I hate hardcover books with a passion. And hope my ebookwise will make them and dustjackets history.

I do not rip off covers or step backs for that makes me sad.

Sookie Stackhouse or Anita Blake?
C none of the above?

They are both big whores now… yes I know what you are thinking. So I love them both! LOL I did love love love Anita. Obsidian Butterfly was the first book for me that brought me back into reading after many years of much fanfic. So she will always have a special place in my heart but unless The Harlequin rocks my fucking world I have so quit her.

Sookie is on the fast track to anitaville. And the history the author has with KILLING CHARACTERS READERS LUV JUST CUZ SHE CAN annoys me a touch. So I think I have quit her as well. But who knows…

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
When tired

“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”?
the historical

Crusie or SEP?
SEP! But I haven’t read Crusie yet. Although I will! Oh yes one day…

Buy or Borrow?
I don’t even have a current library card. And no one has books I can borrow here. So I buy or trade.

Buying choice: Book Reviews, Recommendation or Browse?
Recommendations or reviews from peeps with similar taste
I do love to look through websites, catalogs and online stores but I rarely browse in the bookstores anymore. Go figure…

Tidy ending or Cliffhanger?
END – and happy damn it

Morning reading, Afternoon reading or Nighttime reading?
Anytime is a good time for a book! But mornings are evol in general…

Series or standalone?
Depends… I am a series!whore but lately I would keel for a good standalone.

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
hmmm not heard of… so Dark Lover and Devil in Winter are out huh? ::poohbearthink::
how about two of my fave HH!
The Last Rogue (Deborah Simmons, Harlequin Historical Romance) Turner\'s Woman (Historical)

tag… lets see since I haven’t done the blog hop in a few days shit loads of people have prolly already done this… but hey I will try.. Jane (extra points for all three janes), KArens, Holly, Tara Marie, Keishon, BAM and Wendy

or you know… anyone who wants to