purple light by deathphobiado iI have been spending a lot of time looking at romance review sites and blogs (who knew there were so many). I’m putting together a group of posts about review sites, ads, what they are charging, why and if it seems to be worth it.

eye It is all sort of funny to me because I never ever pay attention to those ad’s (is that just me?) so keeping an eye out for them is amusing.

One thing I keep seeing is how some sites are going for creative or nifty in their layouts and forgetting about being user friendly.squishy by buggosicons

I care by ktblleI get wanting to be eye catching to get people to stop, scroll and read but if your page takes too long to read because of graphics, the side bars are too busy, there isn’t a good search function or the posts are too long. ::coughbamcough:: I would think you risk losing your audience, very few are as amusing as bam. Hell I can’t read all her reviews, she needs cliff notes.

missSo when LLB started to talk about flash ad’s I cringed and started to post but really no one said anything so I am thinking maybe it is just me. Ag seems to like many of the blogs I think are pretty but don’t go to much because I don’t find them very readable.

I am not new to blogland, a baby to wordpress but was on livejournal for a long ass time. So where some might find the scroll text on the top for AAR’s home page new and nifty I think it is annoying as all get out. I think flash is for icons, personal blogs, kid sites and MYSPACEnice girl by ktblle not sites that are aimed at being professional. I think that is one of the many reasons I so dislike myspace.

purplenails by deathphobiaIs that just me? About the bells and whistles not myspace… Or is flash like bell bottoms and coming back in style? Of course I have only met one or two book trailers I like and people seem to think they are kewl.

**all icons are ones I use(d) for my livejournal… can you guess which ones were made just for me.. for those wondering… the title is just me being a dork or I miss fanish things)**