mail orderThe Mail Order Bride by Diana Bold

Luke Chandler has been pushing people away ever since he was permanently injured during the war. Tired of seeing him alone, his interfering brother orders him a mail order bride. Widowed Sarah Montgomery answers the ad, only to discover that the last thing Luke wants is a wife.

Stranded at his remote Colorado home, she’s forced to accept his reluctant hospitality. Soon she realizes that there’s more to this brooding stranger than she ever imagined. Can she convince him that the last thing he ever wanted is the one thing he needs most?

A WESTERN. And the excerpt was pretty good…. hmmm anyone read her yet? Sorry Kristie it does look like it is only out in Ebook. Well now that I think about it, I am pretty sure Cobblestone only comes out in e. I need to pay more attention to them. There were a few coming out that look good.

Excerpt here
… and more info on upcoming books (looks like two more from Cobblestone) they look really good. One comes out on Jan 19! hmmm as an early birthday pressie to me the author should send them too me!