Hi, Everyone!

September is our new anthology, Texas Bad Boys with Rosemary Laurey, Karen Kelley and me, Dianne Castell.

We came up with the idea because we all love the Bad Boy stories and we love love love cowboys. The book is unique in that all the stories are connected, a mystery is started that brings three women together and the mystery doesn’t get solved till the end.

I wrote the last story and brought all the characters together. That was fun except Rosemary’s heroine is a Brit…ever try to write British! Holy cow!

Come to a Bad End by Dianne Castell

Silver Gulch Sheriff John Snow thinks women have their place-in his kitchen or his bed.

He would certainly never go for some women’s libber business woman like Lillie June.

The men in town want him to close down her fancy new spa, and he’s happy to oblige. But once he meets Lillie, soothing massages, personal pampering, and one-on-one body wraps don’t seem like such a bad thing at all…