since someone must be seeking

Tweet Attention and validation… do go give her some And let me know if she decides I am racist, so I can change my life to fit her idea. Wouldn’t want to upset the applecart and all. I will of coure be looking for rec’s for horror, inspirational, AA,...

did you see…

Tweet In case you missed it… guess who dropped in You get three guesses as to who anon is and the first two don’t count ;). I think that is two authors now who have braved the new world of blogs. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...

not to be mean

Tweet But what is up with selling Nina Bangs in trade? I admit I have read little by her. The Pleasure Master, An Original Sin and the novella in Men at Work. I don’t care for her writing at all. It seems campy to the extreme and I am never sure if it is suppose...