shut up, shut up, shut up

Tweet Shut Up! No I am not referring to any authors, message boards or online blow ups. Odd that đŸ˜‰ There are certain phrases I just don’t see being used in historicals. The nifty etymology online says: Shut up (v.) first recorded 1840 Now the book in question is...

someone so should have stopped me

Tweet I am half way through and I think I have read this book before. It reminds me of The Seduction. But I recall liking The Seduction. Does Holt have more than two characters? Hero – bored rake who takes his pleasure where he wants Heroine – virgin with...

Scandal’s Daughter by Christine Wells

Tweet This is another new to me, historical author with a book coming out November 2007. I need to finish the list of upcoming books I want to keep an eye on because man there are lots. I just hope some turn out to be grand reads! The Earl of CarletonĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s sole...

Avon goes medievals again

Tweet Gayle Callen will be writing medievals again for Avon. Only not under Gayle Callen… her medieval name is Julia Latham. Wonder why since ‘Gayle Callen’ has medievals already. I haven’t really liked her last few books so I hope Julia Latham...