At dorchester’s forum, Leah with Dorchester, tells us about their new series The Immortals. These will be coming to a book store near us starting May 2007.

Oddly enough Sylvia Day also has a book coming out in May 2007 from Avon Red called, you guessed it… My Immortal. Maybe when she gets back she can tell us some more about it.
***ETS: when I asked Sylvia Day about My Immortal she said it was about

…dreams, nightmares and aliens. (hot, hunky aliens *g*)

The Immortals (Dorchester series)

This is the brain child of Jennifer Ashley and she gives a heads up in a few posts.

a lil background:

For a long time I kicked around the idea of a group of Immortal warriors who lived outside time and helped people against the forces of darkness. I thought of several different ways I could do it, but basically throughout time people have been able to call these warriors, one or all, in times of great trouble.

And the order is:
THE CALLING, by Jennifer Ashley (5/2007)
THE DARKENING, by Robin Popp (6/2007)
THE AWAKENING, by Joy Nash (8/2007)
THE GATHERING by Jennifer Ashley (9/2007)

and she goes on to say:

The books will follow the four Immortals and their quest to find an Immortal gone rogue before he drains life from the world.

The books will be filled with Sidhe, vampires, werewolves, seductive demons in the form of gorgeous men, witches, and of course, the Immortal Warriors.

The Immortals themselves are five brothers, bad boys who spend their lives training and fighting. TheyÂ’re deadly, sexy, powerful–and bad!

Joy Nash also gives some more info on her blog.

Sounds nifty…