Dodd does guys too

Tweet Ok this sort of goes along with Fosters blog but I admit I am linking cuz the pictures made me giggle. It’s a guy thing I could swear I have seen this before but I can’t member where… I want to say Virgin did something like this to their...

Lori does Alphas

Tweet What About those Alpha Guys Lori Foster does write some great men and I have really enjoyed her last two Bad Boy stories. And even though I didn’t care much for Jude’s Law, I am looking forward to Murphy cuz I am odd like that… go forth and...

The Southern Devil by Diane Whiteside

Tweet I want! I know you shouldn’t judge a book by the cover but I do so love this one. she really has gotten lucky in the cover dept with her devil books… I should take out The River Devil and finally read it. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens...