First chance…

Tweet To win Viva Las Bad Boys HelenKay will be joining a few other Bad Boy authors here for Brava Bad Boy week. So if you don’t win now, there will be other chances. And knowing HelenKay, she will have a few more chances on her blog. As I sit here looking at...

Lia’s EBUZZ: Dreams of the Oasis I

Tweet Dreams of the Oasis I with stories by Liddy Midnight, Allyson James, Paige Cuccaro, Nicole Austin, Myla Jackson and Jory Strong summary Call Me Barbarian By Liddy Midnight Princess Cedilla enjoys unprecedented privilege in a society where women are neither seen...

Review: The Man from Stone Creek by Linda Lael Miller

Tweet review here Do you have a favorite LLM novel? Do you prefer the old LLM to the new? Or new to old? Or are you sitting there going who? Borders/Walden books Letter from Linda Lael Miller Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on...