For Jane…

Tweet looks like this one is a follow up to It’s in His Kiss and it is a 1.99 I know JR Ward does a ‘slice of life’ thing. Sort of a day in the life of the brothers, which she put up on her yahoo group. I know there is a place on her website...

For the Quinn readers…

Tweet found in From the Heart (Avon newsletter) On sale June 6th, Avon Books and HarperMedia are proud to announce the special publication of original e-books by phenomenal New York Times bestseller Julia Quinn: IT’S IN HIS KISS: THE 2ND EPILOGUE and THE...

one more reason maili rocks the house

Tweet and saves others time What she says there is a large reason why I didn’t get up in arms over the whole ARC, Cast/MJD thing. She says it well and better than I would have. For me it boils down to I hate anon posts and I want to be allowed to speak my mind....

speaking of Susan Kay Law

Tweet speaking of SKL this is just cruel teasing sez I… crosses fingers it isn’t Women’s fiction or a contemporary. (Sorry cece *g*) Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new...