Thank you… thank you very much

Tweet We have a contest winner! Thank you to everyone who sent in an email. Click on the Scribe Virgin to find out the correct answers and the winner! 1. What is Rhage cooking when JR arrives for his interview? He’s making French Toast. Lots of it!!! French...

JR Ward’s TBR Pile and Moments of FanGirl Fawning

Tweet By J.R. Ward Okay, so I can be a fangirl on occasion. There are some authors I’m totally tongue-tied around and in awe of… Suz Brockmann: because she rocks and yes, I love Jules and I want him to get his HEA, too. Shannon McKenna: holy… can I swear...

J. R. Ward Blog Contest **Ended**

Tweet But lucky for you I can’t play, oh and I read the book already. Very good by the way… The Scribe Virgin is hiding THREE questions. Each question can be answered by having read the book(s), from J.R. Ward’s Website and/or through a link posted...