By J.R. Ward

Okay, so I can be a fangirl on occasion. There are some authors I’m totally tongue-tied around and in awe of… Suz Brockmann: because she rocks and yes, I love Jules and I want him to get his HEA, too.

Shannon McKenna: holy… can I swear here? Well, anyway, McKenna has it going on with alpha heroes and sexual tension. If you haven’t tried her, I suggest it. Shannon also happens to be a hella-nice woman.

Elizabeth Lowell: yeah, I’m all about her especially her older books. I have most of her categories and love her old romances.
Jessica Andersen: my CP and level headed guidance counselor who is phenomenally talented and smooth as water with the suspense.

Lisa Gardner: if you haven’t read THE PERFECT HUSBAND, I highly recommend it.

Right now, I’m about to read SHADOW TOUCH by Marjorie M. Liu. I’ve heard so many good things about Liu that I just have to go there. I anticipate that it’s going to freak me out because it’s so good.

And I am LUSTING after a certain male witch (SHI? Hello? One word for you: VAX.) And I’m all excited about McKenna’s fall release.

Then there’s Stephanie Rowe’s DATE ME BABY, ONE MORE TIME (which I’ve already read and was hysterical!) due in May and THE DEVIL IN THE JUNIOR LEAGUE by my dear friend Linda Francis Lee which is due out in September.