Here are the five most common questions I get asked. If you’ve got others, I’ll answer them if I can.

1. When am I going to get Z’s story?

Z’s book is all finished and LOVER AWAKENED is coming out in September. LA is the darkest of the Brotherhood books (at least as far as I know now). I was anxious as hell to write it for the simple reason that Z’s my favorite and I wanted to do him justice. Well… and there are a lot of Z lovers out there and they would come after me and my laptop with a stake if I didn’t. I’m really pleased with the way Z came out and am grateful that all of the elements that I wanted in the book made it through to its final version. Z… Z is the one for me.

2. How many books are in the series?

There are ten books in my head right now. And two of them involve folks that come out later in the series (including a female warrior.)

3. What’s going to happen to Wellsie?

I get this question a lot, and if the reader wants to know I’m willing to tell them (though not in specifics and always privately). Actually, I’m glad when folks ask this because it gives me an opportunity to point out that I have no control over what happens in these books. The stories are what they are: they write themselves. And sometimes what happens in them is deeply upsetting to me. After all, I have to see all the scenes in the books in my head and live the emotions vicariously. But if I change the manuscripts to make them more middle of the road, it feels… dishonest.

4. Where do your ideas come from?

Yeah, I get this one a lot and the answer seems… well, odd to say the least. But hey, see above in my first post. I have no idea where the Brotherhood came from or why they picked me to talk to. I just know that their voices are in my head and they tell me what to do when I’m at the computer. If I try to muscle the books in any way (like attempting to consolidate scenes or force plot arcs) the voices shut up and won’t come out again until I get my nose out of their business. The relationship is pretty clear cut: they talk, I type and that’s that.

5. Is Darius coming back?

Keep reading. 😉

(c) Copyright J.R. Ward 2005-2006

here are some interviews you might find interesting. And a recap of all Gst Author Day Posts

interview with New and Used Books
interview with Night Owl Romance
interview with PNR
angiew interviews JR Ward

Then ask a few questions of your own… you know you are dying to ask about the names ;). I SO thought that would make the top five.