Tweet Just so you know, I’m writing this as a reader and a writer. Both halves, stuck together to make a whole. Not that that happens very often. It’s hard to keep the two parts separate when you read so much, hard to not let what you read bleed into what you write. I...

PONDERING: Life’s long, strange ride

Tweet I’ve been incognito of late.  I haven’t talked to you good folks in a while so I crawled out of my hole to have a whine and whinge, and to see how many of you are in the same situation. It’s the start of a new year – a year I know will...

The Evil Whose Name We Dare Not Speak

Tweet We’ve all been there, haven’t we?  We want to read. We need to read.  But nothing catches our attention.  We start one book and put it aside and then start a different book, thinking maybe a genre change might help, and put it aside.  Repeat as necessary until...

PONDERING: A word in favor of getting it right

Tweet It’s the time of year and this is short, because I could go on and on, but I don’t need to. I live in Britain, in a small, unremarkable town. When I go into town to do some shopping I pass a cottage where Oliver Cromwell lodged on his way to one of...