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CSquareds C2 IconWe’ve all been there, haven’t we?  We want to read. We need to read.  But nothing catches our attention.  We start one book and put it aside and then start a different book, thinking maybe a genre change might help, and put it aside.  Repeat as necessary until there is a stack of books, each with maybe 25 pages read.  The TBR mountain mocks us with its stacks of unread books.  The bookstores sing their siren songs of new-book-fabulousness but we try to resist because of that stupid mocking mountain of books that has been unsatisfactory…and then we break down and buy something new, only to read another 25 pages before putting that book aside, too.

scream-1.jpgYou know what I’m talking about, faithful reader…The Slump.  *screams echo in the distance*  When nothing seems to catch our attention enough to make us finish a book.  Everyone has a different method for dealing with slumpage.  Sometimes a re-read of an old fave will snap it.  Or maybe reading something entirely different might work.  Maybe an audio book will break through the wall of slump.  Maybe taking a break entirely from reading (oh the horror!!) is necessary –  as in, not even trying to find something good amidst all the stacks of books we all have.  Perhaps watching a bunch of movies will be the answer.

I’ve been in a slump since early November.  I tried my usual slump breakers – reading Bet Me usually works for me, for example – and I enjoyed the re-read, of course, but the slump continued.  I tried reading some other old faves, sometimes successfully and sometimes not.  Still, every time I picked up something new, I ended up putting it aside after a chapter or two.  I hate it when that happens!  There are books waiting for me that I know I will enjoy.  Eventually.

pinkyplans3.jpgFor now, I’ve decided to blame the holidays for my slump.  The busyness and travel and weird schedules must be to blame.  I’ve decided!  So now that the holidays are wrapping up and things will be getting back to normal, my slump will end.  Right??  Please?  Pretty please??  With sugar and a cherry on top???  *sniffle*

So tell me, faithful readers, what do you do when the slump strikes?  And if you have suggestions of fabulous slump-snapping books, I welcome them.